Thursday, October 6, 2016

How Donald Trump Swindled The Republican Party, And Why "Know Nothing" Alt-Right Conservatives Love Him For Having Done It

I know what you're thinking if you've been following my posts on this blog within the past year: "Oh, God---he's going to criticize Trump again". Well, you're absolutely right. However, I must point out one very important fact before I begin this post, and that is this: a presidential nominee will never be anything more than a reflection of the party that allowed him (or her) to win their party's nomination; and since this is true, then the Republican Party is in a world of trouble as a result of Donald Trump being their nominee for President in 2016.

As I have already tried to point out in previous posts, there can be little doubt as to how so many Republican voters were willing to sell their party's soul in order to make certain that Trump would win the nomination, especially when a large percentage of angry, poorly-educated white conservatives within the GOP were already waiting for someone who was as effective at channeling their resentment towards Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party as Donald Trump. Facts, figures and statistics have never mattered to this "Alt-Right" crowd, and they never will as long as someone like Trump keeps telling them to blame everyone other than themselves for what is wrong with their own party and America in general. The only thing that matters to Trump's voting base is guaranteeing that their voices will always be more prevalent than the overwhelming numbers of demographic groups in the U.S. who are vehemently opposed to right-wing conservative ideology.

Clearly this is an indication that voters who support Donald Trump's candidacy for President are more than willing to embrace authoritarian fascism over democracy or any other form of governing in which a majority of people determine how their nation functions. Considering that there are many within the conservative movement who already believe that America was never intended to have a government which was based on the principles of democratic populism, federal authority, legislative and judicial equality or separation of powers, it isn't too difficult to understand why so many among the far right accept Trump's "strong man" unilateral approach to governing. As far as they're concerned, only one person should have absolute control of all governing functions within the U.S., and Donald Trump is that one person for 2016. Don't bother trying to explain the concept of what a banana republic is to an infantile-minded group of people like Trump's voting base who look at politics the same way as playing an adult version of "Simon Says" or "Follow The Leader". They couldn't care less what a banana republic is as long as they're convinced that it doesn't cause them to lose their disdain for the Federal government and helps secure their place at the table when it comes to attacking the influence of liberalism within the Democratic Party.*   

Another factor that plays into the popularity of Donald Trump's 2016 presidential candidacy has been the lock-step "know nothing" mentality which has crept back into the puritanical and poorly informed tendencies of conservative Republican thought like never before. Naturally a despot con artist like Trump has been aware of this mentality for quite some time and has been using it to his advantage throughout Barack Obama's presidency in the hopes of ultimately winning the Republican nomination and going on to win the general election in November. If there's one thing that can be said about Donald J. Trump, it would have to be this: He never does anything coincidentally or accidentally. Like any conniving, opportunistic charlatan who sells a faulty product to his own customers to see if he can get away with making a quick fortune at the expense of rubes, Trump methodically uses ignorance, arrogance, demagoguery and deception as weapons against even the very people who support him, and his supporters only confirm how dangerous their own willful ignorance is by having placed his incendiary rhetoric above any form of objective or rational thought. 

As I have also mentioned in previous posts, the fact that Trump has even been taken seriously as a contender for the 2016 presidency is an obvious sign of desperation within the Republican Party itself, and this desperation is the result of having a platform which no longer benefits the majority of Americans. From policies that promote fear-mongering and varying degrees of prejudice to the blatant hypocrisy of using politics and religion to promote oligarchy and serfdom over democracy, conservatism's influence has done little if anything to insure the future of the Republican Party, and Donald J. Trump has now become the living embodiment of what could end up being the Republican National Committee's inevitable and long-overdue downfall.

 Even if Trump should win the general election next month (despite not having received endorsements from any reputable conservative news outlets), there's a very good possibility that his presidency won't make it through an entire four-year term. The reason for this is due to the fact that New York State investigators are now looking into re-opening a case based on a civil suit that was filed in California earlier this year in which Trump allegedly raped a thirteen year-old girl while she was visiting his home at the Mar-a-Lago Estate in Palm Beach, Florida during 1994, not to mention what damning information will be discovered in the eventual release of his tax returns. However, an even bigger problem would arise if Trump were to resign his presidency or end up getting impeached, and that bigger problem has a name: Mike Pence.

Like others within the Republican Party who pander to the extreme right-wing members of their voting base in order to move up in American politics, Mike Pence has earned a reputation for placating hostile, anti-establishment conservative voters while serving as Governor of Indiana after replacing Mitch Daniels in 2012. This wasn't too difficult for Pence given the fact that he helped to generate a lot of the hostility among conservatives in Indiana while working from 1994 to 1999 as a local radio and television talk show host before successfully winning his bid for Indiana's 2nd Congressional District seat in 2000.
Like his running mate Donald Trump, Mike Pence has also used manipulative tactics for the purpose of self-promotion within the confines of the Republican Party. This in turn has allowed him to use religion in particular as a vehicle for signing into law legislation which blatantly discriminates against minorities (the homeless, single mothers, the LGBT community, etc.) while serving as Indiana's 50th Governor. In short, Mike Pence is perhaps the most dangerous Vice Presidential selection that has been made since George W. Bush selected Dick Cheney for his running mate.

I genuinely hope that this will be my last post regarding the dangers of Donald Trump's candidacy for President. I can't stress enough how much trouble the Republican Party and the United States will be in as a result of him winning the general election. This fraudulent, egotistical, vindictive little man who isn't above using wealth, power, influence and demagoguery to deceive as many voters as possible in order to get everything he wants as a celebrity presidential contender (book deals, TV appearances, etc.) has all but guaranteed that his presidency will be nothing short of exercising his own self-gratification at the expense of a country which he believes has already rejected him as both a public figure and a private citizen in spite of his already-existing popularity. There have been reports that Trump even intends to cash in on the publicity of his presidential run by starting up his own cable television network if he should lose to Hillary Clinton in the general election. This should come as no surprise either given the fact that no publicity is the only form of negative publicity in a mind that's as twisted, diabolical and self-serving as Trump's.

Regardless of the outcome next month, American democracy has already received a major black eye as a result of Trump's candidacy for the 45th presidency, and November 8, 2016 will decide whether America is willing to tolerate or reject Donald J. Trump's brand of fascist tyranny once and for all. Hopefully there is a substantial number of voters left within the U.S. who still appreciate democracy enough to keep this pathetic excuse for a human being from ever becoming President of the United States, and those who don't care about preserving democracy in the U.S. or anywhere else on this planet can pack their bags and live like recluses in obscurity someplace beyond U.S. jurisdiction instead of voting for Trump in next month's election---or in any other election for that matter---as far as I'm concerned.

*For further reference, read my blog post from October 16, 2014 entitled "Obama's Legacy: A Damning Indictment on White Conservatism in America".